Eight more sleeps until Christmas Day... I keep asking myself where has the year gone...
We ALL (I know shocking a full house) made the December wine club on Saturday, the last one of the year, the biggy, the Christmas special, lots of extras running along side the wine tasting, our hosts had been working hard for sometime to make it extra special and they didn't disappoint. (Well one of them particularly)
We all turned up, dressed up... clutching Christmas cards, flowers & chocolates, the wine to be tasted that also had to be dressed as something Christmasy (White Angel, I thought was the best) and not forgetting the Secret Santa gifts. Nick was 'confused' about what he was giving to who or leaving where until Jacqui helped him out with the top tip that the gift wrapped was the secret santa one and the box of chocolates not wrapped was for the hostess, you can see how he became confused (not !!)
We tucked into peanuts and Bernies delicious sausage rolls with a glass of wine until everyone arrived when we were ushered into the dining room for the frivolity to begin.
To start with there was a twelve question quiz, some questions based around the Blog, I am ashamed to say I only got four questions right, not that the others did much better, Karen S did have an excuse that she never reads the Blog (Mmmm what shall I put in here about her... after all she won't see it !!). Top marks went to Karen & Terry who got 11, well done, Smartie Pants.
We started wine tasting with a bottle of Champagne brought by Jacqui & Nick, maybe if I had had a glass of that first I might have done better in the quiz... it was a 'nice' bottle of fizz (there was a round robin about the wines club with lots of other possible words to use but it never reached me..).. This DeVallois was 12.5% traditional blend of Pinot Noir Chardonnay & Pinot Meunier, flavours of rich biscuit with notes of citrus & cream, we scored this one with 42 points
This bottle started the evening dressed as a Golden Fairy, shame no picture of this 'winning' outfit, I say this thought gritted teeth as it beat my White Angel (I do have a picture of that..ha ha ha)
This was followed by another champagne, Pol Monnett 12.5% again a blend of the three grapes, elegant & fresh although a couple of of thought it might be a little past its best, however it scored the same 42 points. This bottle started the evening as a Post Box with a rather large Round Robin sticking out of it. (Thats a Round Robin letter not the feathered kind)
Round Robin Letter - Has its own page...
We then moved on to the red wine, its the one covered in holly in the picture there was also a little robin tucked among the branches, not real one of course, we decided this was a very Eco friendly dressing, from a very Eco friendly couple, the bottle had been taken to be recycled the following morning before I had all the details about this delicious wine. Our own stash of bottles takes us weeks of tripping over them before we finally get round to taking them to the bottle bank.. So Terry not only a smarties pants but an efficient one too.. We didn't get round to unveiling them all on the evening, too distracted by all the other activities... Anyway... this wine, an Amarone was very popular and received in depth comments like 'Yum', Yummy; very oaky (ha ha.. if you know us, you will get this), very smart (?) & of course nice. It was rasiny and full bodied and scored a big 52 points. Top wine of the night.
Now the next one was sooo disappointing, Micheal you really didn't step up to the mark this year... he has been the bottle dressing winner for a number of years but look at this years offering..
Its the sad knitted stocking one in the middle.. Michael had said he wasn't going to make the effort this year, (& he kept his word) let someone else have a chance to win (should have been the white angel), he said he wasn't competitive and wouldn't mind... Really ???, when everyone arrived with their creations he was most disturbed, well he only had himself to blame.. shouldn't go on too much because he did vote for my White Angel (that should have won ). Not sure what this wine was, it was just too much effort to lift it from its warm stocking.. deep dark and with a long cork. Okay were the general comments it scored 40 points. Nice Christmas tie though ... so not a total lack of effort !

Actually looking a bit rosy cheeked there...
Next up was Rudolf, with his fancy fur body, again we didn't skin him to find out what was beneath but needless to say Mark & Linda brought this one, so no surprise it was red, good flavours but with a short finish, sadly though the lowest points just 38.
Last but not least The White Angel (should have won), our wine a rich ripe powerful red from Southern Australia called Clearskin 14.% 2009 bought from laithwaits, would be good with chips and steak, scored 44 points. She even had a nice haircut & make up on !
We then played a great rowdy game, basically taking (grabbing) presents away from each other all in the name of fun, all gifts sourced by the hostess & were wine related. Here is a Mark with his.. he is easily pleased !
You know what they say about Christmas gifts and children, they are more excited by the wrapping well it applies to adults too.... but before I show you those pictures, look at these too sad bunnies..
Nick waiting for the wrapping and Karen regretting not reading the Blog or was it not ending up with a present at all ?? Nick looks happier in a moment though..once he has a box to play with !
Jacqui & I were very pleased with the chiffon wraps we received......what do you mean, they are the wrapping Tesco Finest use for flowers !
Next the big event of the night, the hand out of the Secret Santa gifts, there was an informal vote as to open now or save until Christmas day, Mark & Jacqui wanted now but the majority to wait won.. but Mark little devil, said he wasn't being told what to do & ripped his open with Jacqui following suit..what are they like.
Mark & his gift, he loves things to dress up in but don't ask about the Vaseline !!
All in all a really enjoyable evening, here are a few more pictures..

Eco Smartie Pants

Happy now..

Steptoe impression

Ho ho ho..
Any finally 'Time for bed' said Zebedee at twenty to one in the morning,
we haven't had a late one like that for ages..
Well time to sign off, Merry Christmas to you all and best wishes for the New Year.
Time to stick a cork in it.
Bye S x
PS I didn't really mind the Golden Fairy beating my White Angel...
~ note to self must start planning next years dressed bottle sooner
Drat & double drat a picture of the WINNING Golden Fairy has arrived in my inbox...
White Angel or Gold Fairy you decide.....